Our Mission & Values
Our mission is to provide first class care for our community in the comfort of their own home where they feel safe & secure knowing that they are receiving the highest standard of care possible.
We aim to make a difference in the community, to promote our customers human values and morals and adapt our service to each individual's specific needs; to work together to make living in this community pleasant and safe for everyone.

High Quality Care With a Lasting Impact
We provide a wide range of comprehensive services within the service users own home and care sector by providing Carers to people who need help with their daily living and would prefer to have such help delivered in the comfort of their own home. All our Carers and Service Users are treated with dignity, equality and above all, respect at all times. Our services focus on individual needs and help our clients to maintain independence and live fulfilling lives through providing the above supportive services.
We meet this aim by complying with the Care Quality Commission standards, the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and by working in partnership with the National Health Service, local authorities, other stakeholders and healthcare providers.

Assisting with medicines
At Lifetree Homecare, we offer professional, reliable Medication Administration, Prompting or Supervising services to all of our customers. Our care services take all your specific requests and demands into consideration and guarantee personalized attention.

The administration of a medicine is a common but important clinical procedure. It is the manner in which a medicine is administered that will determine to some extent whether or not the patient gains any clinical benefit, and whether they suffer any adverse effect from their medicines.
At Lifetree Homecare we are aware of the importance and complexity of needs around medication administration. Our staff are all trained in providing the best support with this task, ensuring all Doctor's instructions are followed for achieving the best health benefits for our customers.

We offer flexible support based on what the customer's needs are. If someone requires assistance with going out, socializing, doing their shopping, or if they have a Hospital/Dentist or GP appointment, our staff can help with all this. There is a wide range of situations in which someone might need to be accompanied and family members cannot always provide this support, therefore we would happily tailor our service to benefit each person. Give us a call or send us an email to discuss what would better suit you.


Families are often overwhelmed with having to care for their loved ones and joggling their personal lives and daily activities. When you feel you need a break to recharge in order to then continue in life's busy rhythms, we are here to help you by looking after your loved one. Our staff is trained to provide professional care for each type of person in the comfort of their home. We offer day sits, night sits, or live-in care . You can always contact us, even if just for a chat or some advice on how to obtain the much desired break without having to feel guilty or worried about needing some time for yourself.
Our Carers can provide the following services either on a visiting care or live-in basis:
Personal care - assistance with washing, bathing, oral care etc.
Medication - Assisting with or the administration of medication.
Domestic services - light household cleaning, hoovering, attending to basic household chores.
Nutritional requirements - Cooking, assisting with meal planning, Feeding, Preparing, or assisting with food preparation.
Laundry - washing, ironing, putting away clothes etc.
Shopping - Shopping for or with the service user, collection of prescriptions etc.
Companionship - accompanying service users to places of interest, walks in rural areas or parks, access to the community i.e., swimming, cinema, going out to a restaurant, hospital, doctors, day centers and dental appointments.
Our Carers are highly trained and skilled to meet the care needs of the Service Users with their training being updated annually and in line with the Government Care Certificate, for all mandatory courses. In addition, our Carers are supported to complete further training and qualifications e.g., NVQ’s and Health & Social Care Diplomas.